What can you expect here?

I post at least once a week - sometimes twice - on topics that lend themselves to the ‘Hmmm, how strange’ category. Think divination, supernatural, alternative universes, mysterious history, and just plain weird. If you like to read about strange stuff, this is the place.

On the practical side, I typically post every Tuesday. Three-quarters of my posts are free, the other one-fourth is not. If you browse around, you’ll see that free subscribers can access the past two months of posts; paid subscribers can access the entire archives.

Not long ago I opened up Chat (it’s in the menu and on the Substack app) to talk directly to subscribers. I’m doing my best to use it wisely and to create a space to dialogue about whatever topic is on the table. I invite you to join in the conversations.

Questions? I always respond to emails and comments on the posts. Ask away.

Who am I?

I’m Nancy Hendrickson, author of books on divination, astronomy, genealogy, marketing, and history. I’m a sucker for ancient ruins in the Southwest as the ghosts there can be quite chatty.

I’m not in love with social media - and getting less so! - but you can find me on Instagram @nancysageshadow or Nancy Hendrickson on Facebook.

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Weekly chronicle about the supernatural, divination, unseen things, and weird history, from an award-winning author, empath, and diviner.


Nancy is the award-winning author of divination, history, and genealogy books. She talks to dead people and plays with tarot cards.